Friday, November 5, 2010

Shout-out to for mentioning my recent post on their site. I have no clue how they found me, but I welcome any and all visitors looking for helpful hints on finding their way along the Camino.

I think I'm a pretty good spokeswoman for the "If I can do it-anybody can!" cliche.

I was very very out of shape, and had never been a big hiker/explorer/camper. I had gone on one overnight hiking trip which I survived despite a moment of hyperventilating dramatics on a mere itty bitty hill I encountered.

I made it through to Santiago to hear them read my name at the pilgrim's mass the day after I arrived. Lost 20 pounds in the process and felt soooo good about myself. My pace and endurance are far beyond what they were prior to the trip. I was very careful to show somewhat flattering pics of myself during the trek (because I allowed myself that one vanity), but I am a big girl and it was hard on me and my body, and perseverance and a lack of blisters were God's gifts to me.

Just... pack wisely (sparingly), and be willing to try different things to make sure you are as comfy and healthy as possible. Go with the flow and enjoy the walk. My number one advice for anyone going: just buy the plane ticket. Make it happen and don't look back (unless it's to marvel at how far you've come).